Saturday, July 9, 2011

Explorations with watercolor crayons, page 5

I can't believe I let these babies languish in my stash for so that I've given them several test drives, in several different ways, I'm loving them! And this is my entire current stash...just these 12. I'm so excited to try a few more colors.I'm thinking red, a mediterranean blue, an aqua, a bolder orange, and chartreuse. I wonder when I can sneak in a trip to Blick...and if I can really leave with only five crayons!

So this is the page I did last night:

I decided to try the Neocolors over gesso this time, so I just scribbled with the dark green over gesso, then used a wet brush to make a wash all over the page. It was too dark for my tastes, so once it dried, I scribbled all over the page with the yellow crayon. Now, I know this is not big news for most of you, but I remember I'm a newbie to the watercolor crayon thing...I had no idea the colors would mix so well! It was such a fun discovery and toned the color down nicely. I did some collage, then painted a yellow wash of fluid acrylics over the entire page. Then stamping, journaling, embossing and whatnot.

Another new thing I did, inspired by the Neocolors, was pull out the regular Crayola crayons.  I raided my son's stash for a few colors. It was surprisingly fun and I don't know why I never thought of it before! I'll definitely be playing with regular crayons some more...after I get my own box. (The kiddo will share just about anything BUT his art supplies. He's an art supply hog. I have no idea where he gets that from. Ahem.)

So it was a good night of journaling and trying some new stuff. What's funny is that I don't think any of my discoveries have been anything wild or groundbreaking, but they have been new to me. It's amazing how you can journal for a long time, but still have so much to learn! 

1 comment:

  1. loving your yellow explorations in watercolor page!
